FentonSays What Fenton Says: November 2007
Web FentonSays.com

Friday, November 30, 2007


FentonSays Pizza Playoffs #03 - Little Caesars

Little Caesars can be found at 1437 N Leroy Street in Fenton. Their unique value proposition to the fast food world of pizza sales is their "Hot N Ready" pizza deal. In Fenton (prices advertised on TV for other locations are slightly higher), for $5 plus tax, you can walk out of their store with a steaming hot, large pepperoni and cheese pizza pie! And for five bucks, this is a great pizza. For a few dollars more you can get a custom pizza from Little Caesars, or any of their competitors, really. But for $5, and a quick in-and-out trip, this is a great deal! Pick up yours today.

This is entry number three in the FentonSays.com Pizza Playoffs. The featured video tour will give you a flavor for all of the good eats available to residents and visitors of Fenton, Michigan. If you don't agree with our assessment of the various meals to be featured, adding your comments and experiences to the bottom of these articles is greatly appreciated. Or head off to the FentonSays discussion forum and weigh in there.

Click the picture above a couple of times to get the video playing.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007


FentonSays Pizza Playoffs #02 - Cottage Inn

Cottage Inn will be the one to beat considering both value and taste. Here we examine their traditional crust pizza, square deep dish crust pizza and Cottage Inn sticks. All three were delicious. If you live in or around the Fenton, Michigan area you are sure to love the delivery service from Cottage Inn.

This is entry number two in the FentonSays.com Pizza Playoffs. The featured video tour will give you a flavor for all of the good eats available to residents and visitors of Fenton, Michigan. If you don't agree with our assessment of the various meals to be featured, adding your comments and experiences to the bottom of these articles is greatly appreciated. Or head off to the FentonSays discussion forum and weigh in there.

Click the picture above a couple of times to get the video playing.

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Monday, November 26, 2007


Jinglefest 2007 schedule of events

The time is upon us, the Christmas season is here! Jinglefest 2007 is here in Fenton, Michigan. Most of the events are held in Dibbleville, but as the event continues to grow, our city gets to enjoy the sprawl of the holiday good cheer.

Following is the Jinglefest 2007 events schedule as we know them to be. As always, FentonSays makes absolutely no warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information (we're pretty sure we got it right, but if you find an error, please let us all know about it in the comments section ... thanks!).

And Merry Christmas, Fenton!!

Friday - November 30th

7PM - 11PM - YAC JingleJam for Teens
$5 admission - Youth Advisory Council
Where? The Fenton Community & Cultural Center

Saturday - December 1st

ALL DAY - Holiday Shopping
Restrooms available at Fenton Community & Cultural Center, and the Family Life Center United Methodist Church

ALL DAY - Ice Sculptures on Display
Where? Along South Leroy Street

9AM - till cookies run out - Cookie Walk
Where? Fenton United Methodist Church-Narthex

10AM - 12PM - Write a Letter to Santa Workshop
Where? Vision in Motions Dance Studio - Dibbleville

10AM - 4PM - Annual Gift of Art Show - Fenton Artist Guild
Paintings, jewelry, pottery, glassware
Where? Fenton Community & Cultural Center (Lower Level)

10AM - Rotary Tree Decorating
Where? Bush Park / Rotary Park

10AM - 4PM - Santa Paws Pictures for Everyone
Sponsored by the Animal Health Clinic
Where? Front of Fenton Community & Cultural Center

11AM - 4:30PM - FREE Horse & Wagon Rides
Sponsored by Dort Federal Credit Union
Where? Old Fire Hall at 210 South Leroy

11AM - 12:30PM - Lunch with Santa
Tickets: $6.00 includes lunch and a gift.
For more information, call 629-2512
Where? Fenton Community & Cultural Center

11AM - 4PM - Community Cafe
Where? Fenton Community & Cultural Center Auditorium

12PM - 3PM - Guitar Hero Contest
Cost: $5, for more information call 629-2512
Where? Family Life Center - Fenton United Methodist Church

12PM - 3PM - Family Christmas Craft Workshop
Where? Family Life Center - Fenton United Methodist Church

12PM - 7 PM - Entertainment at Fenton Community & Cultural Center

  • Kidz Theater Kompany 12PM - 12:30PM

  • Fenton School of Dance 1PM - 2PM

  • Peltonen School of Dance 2PM - 3PM

  • Hand Bell Choir 2:30PM - 4:00PM

  • Guitar Hero Finals 4PM

  • Santa Pictures 7PM

2PM - 4PM - Write a Letter to Santa Workshop
Where? Vision in Motions Dance Studio - Dibbleville

3PM - JingleJog 5K Run Registration
Where? Old Fire Hall at 201 South Leroy Street

5PM - 7PM Free Hot Chocolate
Where? Vision in Motions Dance Studio - Dibbleville

5PM - JingleJog 5K Run Start
Where? Leroy Street at River Street

6PM - JingleJog 5K Run Awards Presentation (prior to parade)
Results will be posted in the Old Fire Hall
Where? On Grandstand in front of Fenton Community & Cultural Center

8PM - 11PM - Night Jams
Top 40 & Contemporary Christian Rock Bands
Where? Family Life Center - Fenton United Methodist Church

Sunday - December 2nd

ALL DAY - Holiday Shopping
Restrooms available at Fenton Community & Cultural Center, and the Family Life Center United Methodist Church

ALL DAY - Ice Sculptures on Display
Where? Along South Leroy Street

12PM - Fenton Lakes Chorus
$5 admission - Sweet Adelines International
Where? Fenton Community & Cultural Center

1PM - Fenton Lakes Chorus
$5 admission - Sweet Adelines International
Where? Fenton Community & Cultural Center

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Saturday, November 24, 2007


Fenton Cinema Movies and Show Times

Fenton Cinema

Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (G)
(12:10), (2:15), (4:20), 6:30, 8:35, 10:40

Bee Movie (PG)
(12:00), (2:00), (4:00), 6:00

Beowulf (PG-13)
(12:15), (2:40), (5:05), 7:30, 9:55

Enchanted (PG)
(11:45), (12:45), (2:05), (3:05), (4:25), (5:25), 6:45, 7:45, 9:05, 10:05

Fred Claus (PG)
(1:05), (5:55), 10:05

August Rush (PG)
(11:30), (1:55), (4:35), 7:00, 9:25

Lions for Lambs (R)
8:00, 10:00

Hitman (R)
(12:30), (2:45), (5:00), 7:15, 9:30

Dan in Real Life (PG-13)
(3:25), 7:55


Friday, November 23, 2007


Virtual Video Tour "The Eats of Fenton" Burger Battle #11 -- O'Dooley's

O'Dolley's, formerly known as Bubba O'Dooley's, previously known as The Heritage, has one fine burger. Found at 1243 North Leroy Street in Fenton, Michigan this formerly breakfast diner turned Irish pub knows its way around a ground beef patty. We're not terribly impressed with the value of many of the food items on this menu, however you won't go wrong with their cheeseburgers and fries.

This is entry number eleven in the FentonSays.com Burger Battle. The featured video tour will give you a flavor for all of the good eats available to residents and visitors of Fenton, Michigan. If you don't agree with our assessment of the various meals to be featured, adding your comments and experiences to the bottom of these articles is greatly appreciated. Or head off to the FentonSays discussion forum and weigh in there.

Click the picture a couple of times to get the video playing.

Burger Battle Ranking (to date):
#1 ... MoDoggie's
#2 ... Legend's
#3 ... O'Dooley's
#4 ... Great Lakes Family Restaurant
#5 ... Lucky's Steak House
#6 ... Beal Street
#7 ... Sagebrush Cantina
#8 ... The Penalty Box
#9 ... Applebee's
#10 ... Burger King
#11 ... McDonald's

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Thursday, November 22, 2007


Happy Thanksgiving from Fenton, Michigan

Many messages are viewed this time of year with images of Pilgrims, turkeys, and pumpkins. Radio and airwaves resonate this time of year with advertising specials. Rather than bore you with yet another historical treatise on the roots of our unique American tradition, or pass along one more complaint on seasonal commercialism, I want to pass along a personal observation:

What a wonderful country we live in!

Despite political debate, we enjoy a freedom unmatched anywhere or anytime in the history of mankind. The prairies grow enough wheat to help feed the hungry in other less-fortunate lands. The economic output of some American States surpasses the gross national product of some countries. This is not bragging. Rather, it is a realistic assessment of the leadership role afforded America. Thus it behooves you and me to be . . thankful.

This Thanksgiving—as you eat turkey and pumpkin, remember there are others less fortunate. Please be thankful for all the blessings in your life. Happy Thanksgiving from Fenton, Michigan!


Sunday, November 18, 2007


FentonSays Pizza Playoffs - Fenton House - Special Teams Stromboli

This is the first entry into the FentonSays.com Pizza Playoffs. We call this the "Special Teams" because it is the kick-off, and because we are featuring the stromboli (not really pizza) from the Fenton House. If there is any question, you can put them to rest ... this stromboli is folded pizza from heaven!

The bread/crust is warm and tender. A single stromboli really is enough for two people to eat, but it's more fun to have leftovers to take home for later. Only $7.95 plus tax and gratuity gets you this delicious stromboli with three fillings. The sauce is served cold, so we would recommend asking for it to be heated when ordering.

It is located in the Dibbleville area of Fenton at 413 South Leroy Street. We'll get back to their delicious pizza during the playoffs, but their stromboli is nothing short of amazing! They are presently rebuilding and remodeling the exterior, but they are certainly open for business. The exterior will look completely different than it does in our video. FentonSays says that you won't go wrong with taking a meal at the Fenton House.

Click the picture a couple of times to get the video playing.

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Saturday, November 17, 2007


The Fenton Hotel in the Older Days

The following is an excerpt from the book "The Village Players" republished with permission from the Fenton author, Robert G. Harris. If you would like to purchase the complete 307 paged book, with over 60 photos, you can find it at the Lil Professor Book Store, Fenton Basket or the Fenton Museum in Fenton, Michigan. This book is a narrative history of the Village of Fenton, 1937-1941.

Highway route US 23 ran directly through the town from north to south before veering to the southwest and becoming the road to Hartland. There was a flow of vehicles moving through downtown most of the time. It seemed to only become a “problem” on football Saturdays at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, some forty miles to the south. On these fall Saturdays, the vehicular traffic through town was “bumper to bumper” for several hours before game time and for several hours after the end of the game.

No one prospered more from this heavy traffic moving through town than Art Dumanois, proprietor the historic Fenton Hotel. Many of the football fans either stopped at the Hotel on the way to the game or on their way home. The Fenton Hotel became a popular place to stop for a pre-game lunch or for dinner following the game. Since Art Dumanois held the only “liquor by the bottle” license in town, those who were interested in having a “nip or two” during the game found the hotel a convenient place to purchase their “liquid” refreshments. Some jokesters suggested that half of the empty bottles which littered the UM stadium following a game came from the Fenton Hotel.

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Saturday, November 03, 2007


Fenton Cinema Movies & Show Times

Fenton Cinema

American Gangster (R)
(1:05), (4:10), 7:15, 10:20

Bee Movie (PG)
(12:00), (1:00), (2:00), (3:00), (4:00), (5:00), 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00

The Martian Child (PG)
(11:45), (2:05), (4:25), 6:45, 9:05

30 Days of Night (R)
(3:35), 10:15

The Comebacks (PG-13)
(11:40), (1:35), 6:15, 8:15

Saw IV (R)
(1:10), (3:25), (5:45), 8:05, 10:25

The Game Plan (PG)
(12:30), (2:50), (5:10), 7:30, 9:50

Dan in Real Life (PG-13)
(12:15), (2:45), (5:15), 7:45, 10:10


Thursday, November 01, 2007


Fenton Gets Into The Spirit of Halloween with a Scarecrow Contest

Halloween is reported as being the second most decorated holiday (next to Christmas) in the United States. Fenton, Michigan is no different. The Chamber of Commerce coordinated about forty local businesses to participate in a trick-or-treat session starting at 1:00 PM on Halloween this year. Many of the businesses also participated in a Scarecrow Contest where the local businesses were invited to create a scarecrow that tied in with their particular business.

So on Halloween Day, we drove through much of town looking for these novel scarecrows. And we found a number of them. By no means are we claiming to have found each and every one of them, so to the extent that we missed some, we know and didn't mean it as a slight. We did call the Chamber of Commerce to find out if any winners had been chosen, and as of Halloween Day none had been selected.

If we missed any of the Scarecrow Contest participants, please feel free to mention this in the comment section or in our discussion forums. We did capture the scarecrows from Sagebrush Cantina, the Fenton United Methodist Church, Chase Bank, Jet's Pizza, Fenton Glass, Kimberly Kay Furniture, Fenton Home Furnishings and Harris Financial Corporation.

Just click the picture above a couple of times to get the video started

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