FentonSays What Fenton Says: September 2006
Web FentonSays.com

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Announcing the Fenton High School Class of 1987 Web Site!

Hey everyone!  
Welcome to our reunion website.

Use this website to tell us all what you've been up to and share a picture on the Alumni Bios page. 

You can also create your own photo album with pictures of yourself,  your kids, your home, your life (you get the idea) - just Email Us the photos and we'll set up your album for you.  Or, Email Us photos and we'll add them to the existing photo albums.   If you do not have email, that's okay, you can send them U.S. mail, we'll scan them, create your album and then mail your pictures back.

Don't forget to check back to the site from time to time, and by all means, alert fellow classmates to visit too.  We can't send invitations to people we can't find!!


Saturday, September 23, 2006


Get tickets now for The Fenton Village Players "Social Security" production in October

Social Security (rated R)

Barbara and David Kahn are a hip, happily married couple who are also art dealers. Their domestic tranquility is shattered with the arrival of the wife's nerdy sister, uptight brother-in-law, and aging, cantankerous mother, Sophie Greengrass. The problem: they no longer want the responsibility of caring for Sophie, so they drop her off and announce they are flying off to Buffalo to save their college freshman daughter who has taken two lovers and says she now only lives for sex. The comic sparks really begin to fly when the mother hits it off with the elderly minimalist artist who is the art dealers' best client!

Performance: Oct. 13, 14, 20, 21, 7pm, and Oct. 15 and 22 at 2pm

Adult: $10
Under 18 & over 55: $8
Group rates available


The Fenton Basket Company

108 S. Leroy

Fenton, MI 48430



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The Little Professor Book Center
17075 Silver Parkway
Fenton MI 48430

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Loose Senior Center
707 N. Bridge St.
Linden, MI 48430

Get Map Here


Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Where Can I Buy a Fenton, Michigan Souvenir?

Occasionally I can find something on the clearance rack at Wal-Mart. But that's real spotty. When relatives come to visit from out of state, they'd really like to get something with "Fenton" on it as a souvenir. If you have a computer with an internet connection (and I know you do! you are reading this after all), then point your web browser to:

There you will find a selection of cool souvenir items with Fenton, Michigan prominently featured. Check it out! And let them know that UncleFrog sent you!

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