This is to announce the publication of "The Village Players" - A narrative history of the Village of Fenton, 1937-1941. The book is 307 pages in length and includes over 60 photos of people and places in the old village of Fenton...near the end of the Depression years and just before the nation was plunged into war on December 7th 1941. The title reflects the words of William Shakespeare that "the world is stage" and we all play many parts. The "players" in the many scenes of village government, business, schools, entertainment and social life are presented in this book. The research for the book was conducted through interviews of several persons who were "players" at the time, a detailed review of all issues of the Fenton Independent and the Fenton Courier , the town's weekly newspapers, for those years, and the review of books, files and other material reposing in the Fenton Museum.
The book will sell for $15 and will be available at the Lil Professor Book Store, the Fenton Museum and at the offices of Harris Financial Corporation. $5 of the proceeds from each book will go to the Fenton Historical Society to support their operations.
Mail orders will be accepted at Harris Financial Corporation, 1115 N. Leroy Street, Fenton, MI 48430. Mail ordered copies will sell for $15 plus $2 for S/H.
The book will be available by December 15th, 2006 and would make an ideal gift for those interested in the history of Fenton. The author is Robert G. Harris, Fenton High School graduate in the Class of 1941.